Singer-Songwriter Genie Webster of Cleveland, Ohio and Reno, Nevada re: Her Solo Retreat & Writing Coach

Singer-Songwriter Genie Webster 2019 Writing Retreat

1.  What was most beneficial to you about your solo writing retreat?

“I think the most beneficial result was I learned to be a better writer from your feedback. Second most beneficial was I felt encouraged and even inspired about my project(s).”

2.  How could your retreat time have been better?

“Possibly lower temperatures during the day.”

3.  Was I helpful, not helpful or “too helpful” in assisting you with your writing?

“I would say very helpful. You exceeded my expectations.”

4.  Are there any ways I could have been better at supporting you and your writing project?

“I’m still thinking… nope.”

5.  For what type of writers or writing projects would you recommend the solo retreat?  And why?

“I would say any writer who wants to improve their craft or get an unbiased sounding board for their project. Also, writers who want to sit down and write in a lovely place on an island.”

6.  How would you describe the progress you made during your retreat?  Was it what you expected, not as much or more than you hoped?

“Today is the first day I was able to take another look at the song I started writing on the porch. I was astounded to realize what a gem of a beginning I have! I wrote another verse and developed the chorus and this will be my a cappella song that opens my show. I think that’s tremendous progress – way ahead of schedule. Very happy with the continued unfolding of inspiration that was sparked on the retreat!”

7.  Anything else you’d like to add about my assistance, your bedroom and bathroom, writing spaces, our meals, or the sunset?

“I greatly appreciated how you cheerfully accommodated my dietary limitations. I also appreciated your helpful attitude, respectfulness and professionalism.  Plus the added tour of the island and appointment with the sunset was very fun!

“Highly recommended and a good value!  I’ll be back.”Genie Webster